Home » Shop » Pantry » Spices & Baking » Sadaf Turmeric Powder (Zard Chubeh) 2 oz.

Sadaf Turmeric Powder (Zard Chubeh) 2 oz.

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Turmeric Powder
Turmeric is used in Asian & Middle Eastern cuisine to spice meat, particularly lamb, stews, poultry, and vegetables. It has a smokey earthy taste and provides the associated yellow color.

Ingredients: Turmeric

Allergen: Packed on shared equipment with wheat, tree nuts, soy, and sesame.

Kosher: RCC

Packed in USA

PET bottle with a shaker top

CA Proposition 65


Weight 3 oz

Sadaf food

Out of stock


A brief scan of the product:

Sadaf Turmeric Powder 2 oz is easy to use way of popular spice, turmeric. Turmeric is widely used in different Asian cuisines. Turmeric plays a crucial role in Persian cuisine. Furthermore, over 90% of Persian foods include turmeric as the main spice ingredient. Iranian uses turmeric for a couple of reasons. First, turmeric adds a very particular taste and color to food. Next, turmeric has medicinal benefits for health. Persian ginger and turmeric tea is a famous drink for many people who want to avoid colds and flu in winter. Make a long story short; turmeric is one of the omnipotent spices in Persian cuisine. It is almost impossible to cook an original Persian dish without turmeric. Sadaf Turmeric is easy to use, store, and purchase. Moreover, it has genuine taste, color, and the scent of turmeric.

Why is turmeric good for you?

Turmeric has a significant anti-inflammation quality that helps the body to build a more robust immune system and fight the inflammations. Many Asian herbalists suggest using it during a cold or flu to reduce the symptoms of sore throat or coughing. Turmeric can have positive effects on healing the wounds on inner organs. For example, it can help to cure stomach ulcers.

How to add turmeric to your daily diet?

An easy way to adding turmeric to your daily diet is to add a teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of hot milk. This can help to reduce stress and have a better sleep. Another way to enjoy turmeric’s quality is by making a cup of delicious Persian turmeric tea. Moreover, Many Persian foods have turmeric as the main spice. Turmeric helps to reduce the stink of meat while cooking. For finding Persian food recipes with turmeric, you can check out our Recipes on the Recipe tab.

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