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Sadaf Sour Cherry Preserve (Moraba e Albaloo) 15.5 oz.

Original price was: $4.39.Current price is: $3.99.

Sour Cherry Preserve
a traditional Persian style jam.

Ingredients: Sour cherries, sugar, glucose, and citric acid.

Product of Bulgaria


Weight 17 oz

Sadaf food

Out of stock


A brief scan of the product:

Sadaf Sour Cherry Preserve 15.5 oz is made with fresh sour cherries and sugar. Cherry jam(Cherry preserve, مربای آلبالو) is one of the most famous Persian jams. Persian style jams usually have the fresh texture of the fruit along with a mild taste. For longer using time you’d better keep it in the refrigerator. It makes a great combination with cheese. You can use it with cheesecake, as a topping for puddings and other desserts. This product is commonly used in breakfast as it makes chemistry with bread and different types of butter and cheese.

How Persians use cherry jam?

Cherry jam is a very popular jam in Asia, and especially Iran. Iranians make cherry jam in a unique Persian style. The first different feeling while tasting the Persian cherry jam, may probably be its mildly sweet and sour taste. Iranians usually eat cherry jam in breakfast meal with bread, butter and cheese. In some regions like Azerbaijan, they use the genuine form as dessert. They also use it as a topping for Fereni and Shir Berenj (Some famous Persian desserts). Additionally, it makes cooking cherry cheesecake easier.

Sour cherry is beneficial for the body:

Sour cherries are useful for improving muscles health. Many athletes use it to enhance their strength during exercise. The combination of peanut butter and sour cherry jam may be the right choice for breakfast before training. Sour cherries can lower the blood pressure while eaten rawly and they can be beneficial for people with high blood pressure while eaten in jam style. Moreover, Sour cherries are known to have antioxidant properties which can result in boosting the immune system of the body and other benefits.


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