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Sadaf Sabzi Polo – Dried Herbs Mix SDF 2 oz.


Sabzi Polo
Dehydrated herbs mix in a can is suitable for  Sabzi Polow recipes. Just soak in water and it’s ready to go!

100% Natural

Ingredients: Dill Weed, Leek, Cilantro, Fenugreek

Allergen: Packed on shared equipment with wheat, tree nuts, soy, and sesame.

Kosher: RCC

Packed in USA


Weight 4.5 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4.5 in

Sadaf food


A brief scan about the product:

Sadaf Sabzi Polo – Dried Herbs Mix SDF 2 oz is an excellent mixture of high-quality herbs you need to cook Sabzi Polow. Because finding the right herbs, cleaning, and washing them might be challenging, Sadaf has eased all these processes for you to cook Sabzi Polow. The product is straightforward to store and use. Sadaf Sabzi Polow herbs is a mixture of high-quality dehydrated herbs that comes in excellent packaging. To cook a delicious Sabzi Polow, all you need to do is to soak these herbs for some time and then quickly rinse and use them.

About Sabzi Polow:

Sabzi Polow is one of the most famous Polows that Iranians serve in important events such as new year’s Eve party, etc. To cook Sabzi Polow, you need to mix Persian rice or Basmati rice with particular herbs and cook them in Polow style. Iranians usually serve Sabzi Polow with roasted fish. They call this benevolent dish Sabzi Polow ba Mahi. You can find a thorough recipe for cooking Polow, Sabzi Polow ba Mahi, and other Persian Polows in Uniqop’s recipes section.
Sabzi Polow is one of Persian cuisine’s vegan dishes. However, many people serve it with roasted fish or chicken. You can use any meat you like or no meat at all. By using Sadaf’s prepared Sabzi Polow herbs, you can make sure that you are using the right herbs and in the right amount. Moreover, using this product accelerates the cooking process for you.

Sabzi in Persian cuisine:

Sabzi is a Persian term for the herb. Herbs play a significant role in Persian cuisine. Iranians use herbs as the main course ingredients(e.g., Kookoo Sabzi, Ghormeh Sabzi,etc.) and as the appetizer ingredients(Ash, soup, etc.). Additionally, Iranians use mixed fresh herbs next to main courses as a side dish, which they call Sabzi Khordan.

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