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Sadaf Orange Blossom Water Imported (Bahar Narenj) 10 fl. oz.


Orange Blossom Water has many uses must the most common are to make cakes or syrups. A dash goes a long way, and has many uses. You can add to your water or any beverage, or put in your salads or desserts.

Ingredients: Distilled Water, Concentrated Orange Blossom water, Natural Orange Blosson Flavor.

Product of Lebanon


Weight 19 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 9 in

Sadaf food


A brief scan of the product:

Sadaf Orange Blossom Water Imported 10 fl. oz is a pure extract of the finest orange blossoms. You can use this product as a syrup in your foods and drinks. You can add it to your drinks (Persian tea), desserts, and salads. To use the product for a longer time, please keep it in a dry and cool place.

What is Orange Blossom?

Orange Blossom basic water is removed from the severe orange tree’s blooms through the cycle of steam refining. It takes 1000 pounds of orange bloom blossoms to deliver only one pound of water, making it perhaps the most costly citrus fundamentals on the planet. Its smell is a reviving, sweet mix of flower and citrus notes. Its aroma is adequately charming to apply pressure decrease impacts. However, its helpful advantages go a lot farther than that and can be credited to the natural changes that its science triggers in the body. Orange Blossom basic oil comprises of linalool (which is an antimicrobial and disinfectant), monoterpenes like limonene and pinene (which go about as energizers, decongestants, and against malignancy specialists), linalyl acetic acid derivation (a compound demonstrated to function as a calming when joined with linalool) and nerolidol (an antibacterial, antifungal, and cell reinforcement).

Why Sadaf Food?

Sadaf Food was established in 1982 in California. since the presentation, it has given great items to supply legitimate things identified with middle eastern food. During these years, Sadaf has acquired a high consumer loyalty rate due to its incredible quality and magnificent costs. Uniqop presents the greater part of Sadaf’s items to facilitate the looking for Persian food staples. Besides, to give the most accessible credible tastes of Persian nourishment for its clients.



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