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Sadaf Mint Water Imported (Aragh e Naana) 10 oz.
Mint Water Imported
Add it to your water or beverage for a refreshing drink.
Ingredients: Mint Water
Product of Lebanon
Weight | 15 oz |
Brand |
Sadaf food |
Out of stock
A brief scan of the product:
Sadaf Mint Water Imported 10 oz(عرق نعناع) is made with the finest mint extracts to recall the authentic flavor of mint. Mint has a refreshing taste. You can add some mint water to your foods and drinks to enjoy its perfect scent and excellent refreshing taste. Iranians use mint water to add mint flavor to the Persian tea. Mint water has some significant medicinal use in eastern medicine. For example, they use it as a treat for digestion problems in many eastern countries.
Benefits of Mint Water:
In case you’re searching for a solid option in contrast to pop or sweet beverages, mint water is an amazing arrangement. Mint water is a straightforward and invigorating refreshment that offers critical medical advantages. It contains no sugar, no caffeine, and not many calories. Mint water is additionally a brilliant wellspring of Vitamin A. Exploration has demonstrated that Vitamin A may bring down the danger of conditions like cataracts, diarrhea, measles, and breast cancer. Studies likewise show that mint can help reduce indigestion. Mint water contains menthol, which a few investigations have indicated may help oversee crabby inside disorder.
How to use it?
Mint is an extraordinary wellspring of nutrients and minerals. Its relieving characteristics and absence of sugar and different added substances settle on a solid decision for the vast majority. To enjoy the mint water’s excellent benefits for the body, the easiest and quickest way to use it is by adding it to tea. To do so, brew some black tea in Persian style and add some mint water to your cup. You can also add rose petals and other spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger. To have the greatest taste, drink your tea with some rock candy (Nabat) or saffron rock candy.
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