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Sadaf Garbanzo Beans (Nokhod Kham) 22 oz.
At Soofer Co. Inc. Sadaf, we take great care in selecting the finest quality foods, herbs, and spices. We offer the widest variety of premium quality Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food under Sadafs brand name. Our ultimate goal is to achieve our customers’ satisfaction.
Please Note: This is a raw agricultural product of the best grade obtainable. After harvesting it mechanically cleaned with modern equipment but may still contain some weather damaged product, stones or other foreign material. We suggest you inspect the contents of this package before cooking.
Ingredients: Garbanzo Beans
Allergen: Packed on shared equipment with wheat, tree nuts, soy and sesame.
Product of USA
Weight | 26 oz |
Brand |
Sadaf food |
Out of stock
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