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اگر میخواهید راهنمای دریافت هدیه 10 دلاری را به فارسی بخوانید اینجا کلیک کنید.

By supporting our small business, you can get a credit of 10$ to shop from Uniqop’s website for free and without drawing.

Thank you for supporting our small business. You are helping us to develop our service to serve the Persian community in a better way.

What should I do?

  1. Complete the below form.
  2. Follow us on Instagram.
  3. Share your favorite post of Uniqop’s Instagram page on your own page as a story or a post and mention the Uniqop page’s ID on it. (You can advise us to your friends by some sentences).
  4. If you own a public page, there isn’t more to do. Just keep the story for 24 hours.
  5. If your account is private, send us (by Instagram DM) a screenshot of the story after 20 hours passed.


Are there any particular rules?

  1. You should be a Los Angeles County resident.
  2. You need to have a real personal public or private account on Instagram.
  3. Your account should represent you. There is no difference between a private and public account, but your account should not include fake followers.
  4. You must have a minimum number of 20 followers.
  5. To receive the credit, you need to complete All steps mentioned above.
  6. After completing all steps we immediately review your case and give you the credit if you are eligible.
  7. We give only one time the credit for every person.


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